Thursday, April 26, 2007

Do what needs to be done...

Go ahead and say whatever it is that needs to be said.

Listen to the things that you know you need to hear.

Learn what you need to learn. Explain what you need to explain.

Take that thing that’s been hanging over your head and deal with it.

Instead of creating elaborate ways of avoiding these things, or complex excuses to escape from them, just get them done.

Rather than letting things go and continue to drag you down, get them done and assume the power they have over your state of mind.

The avoidance of things we perceive as “hard” is just as difficult as the effort itself, yet avoiding it yields nothing positive and gives you none of the energizing sense of accomplishment gained when crossing something big off your list.

Success is never easy, but it’s also pretty simple. The path to “done” is not hidden. It’s right in front of you. You can readily see what has to be done. Stop moping. Quit worrying. Don’t gripe. You know what you need to do. Now go do it...

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